Congratulations to the Fife Throughcare Team who won this year’s Apex Scotland Betty Crawford Memorial Award. The team work alongside colleagues from Social Work to provide a holistic and joined up service to young care leavers in Fife.
Cathie Gibson
Very sadly, Apex lost a dear colleague when Cathie Gibson from the Fife Throughcare team, passed away suddenly in May this year. Cathie was a shining example of commitment and integrity and she loved working with the young people that came her way.
Scottish Learning Festival Brings Schools Together
Pupils from Lochgelly and Dunfermline High School’s Inclusion Units joined forces at the recent Scottish Learning Festival to spread the word about the work that Apex does in their schools and how it has impacted on them.
Inclusion Unit – Litter Picking
Pupils from Dunfermline High School Inclusion Unit joined forces with staff from ASDA recently to tidy-up a local Dunfermline beauty spot.
Apex Inclusion Unit wins praise from BBC One Show
Staff and pupils from Apex Scotland’s Dunfermline High School Inclusion Unit were thrilled that the successful results of their efforts to reduce exclusion numbers in the school was recognised and broadcast by the BBC’s One Show on Tuesday 29 May.