The Highland team are pleased to present our Newsletter April 2016 – March 2017. April 16 – March 17 Newsletter
New SMART Recovery Group in Apex Highland
Apex Highland is now able to offer an additional SMART Recovery meeting every Monday from 1.30pm – 3.30pm at the Inverness Unit (starting from 31st October 2016). This group Teaches self-empowerment and self-reliance. Provides meetings that are educational, supportive and focused on open discussions. Supports the use of prescribed medications and psychological treatments where appropriate.…
Recovery Walk Scotland 2016 Planning Meeting
The Recovery Walk Scotland will be taking place in Falkirk this September – a planning meeting for Highland will be happening on Friday 15th of July. Please get involved to assist our trip to Falkirk Recovery Walk Falkirk 2016 Service Users Planning Meeting Friday 15th July 10am—12 noon at Apex Scotland 23 Lotland Street, Inverness…
SMART Facilitator Training
Apex Highland 2015/2016 DELTA Report
Here is the yearly report for the DELTA service which the Highland unit runs for 2015/2016. Delta Report 2015 2016 PDF
Apex Highland Rocks Recovery Walk Scotland 2015
More than 2,000 recovery walkers are estimated to have taken Glasgow by storm on Saturday 19th September. Glasgow Recovery Walk Scotland 2015 has been declared ” thoroughly awesome” by the participants who started the day with a moving ceremony to honour those who died from addiction, and then went onto to publicly affirm their commitment…
Highland Peer Mentor Presented With 25,000th John Muir Trust Award
The 25,000 John Muir Award was presented to Ms Grace Moir, Volunteer Peer Mentor (Apex Scotland – Highland) at Forest Lodge, Abernethy Forest, Headquarters of the RSPB. The certificate was presented to Grace by Aileen Macleod, Scottish Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform. The minister paid tribute to Grace’s voluntary work which currently…
Apex Scotland ASCEND Case Study
The Scottish Government has chosen to feature Apex’s ASCEND project on its new ESF website which launched today. The article includes two case studies of clients who participated in the ASCEND programme. You can view the article at the following link:
Apex Highland Team Challenge 2015
Last month, the Highland Unit took part in their annual Staff Team Challenge. It took place at the Horses In Clover Sanctuary near Cromarty. Over the space of 2 days, the team knuckled down and managed to clean and decorate their new Welfare Station, build some new chicken coops, clean the kitchen inside the main…
Highland Welcomes New First Aiders
Further to our last piece of news on how successful the Emergency First Aid at Work course has been, we are happy to report that some of our own Unit members are newly qualified in the role of First Aid. Brian Beattie and Harry Ward completed the one day course and are now qualified for…