Apex Scotland is thrilled to become a ‘Partner in Change’ having been awarded Partners in Change funding from the Robertson Trust which will help us to develop, in partnership with the Resilience Learning Partnership and others, a model for trauma informed working. We will trial this with the aim of demonstrating the benefits of a…
Our New Blog
We are often asked for our opinion on current justice topics, or to contribute our expertise on various consultations, conferences and matters of special interest. With our new blog we hope to give the voice of our sector and our service users a new platform to make comment and encourage debate on any number of…
John is First to Achieve Employability Award
We are delighted to congratulate John Oliver who is the first person to complete our new SQA accredited Employability Award!
John was referred to Apex by his work coach at Irvine jobcentre due to being long term unemployed….
Annual Report 2020 Launched
We are delighted today to launch our Annual Report 2020, “Being Part of the Story”. Taking account of how our stories intertwine, the report considers firstly “Our Story” which focuses on what Apex contributes to our clients, our communities and the wider Justice agenda. This moves onto a second chapter, “Their Story”, where our service…
Supporting our Service Users Through Covid-19 Uncertainty
Our staff have created a short film to describe just a few of the things they have been doing to assist our service users over the past few weeks (click on this article to view). Since the advent of the coronavirus outbreak, many organisations have had to readjust not only where they are operating from,…