The U-Turn service is a Big Lottery and Hollywood Trust funded programme which engages clients in volunteering projects that benefit the local communities in Dumfries and Galloway. In 2013 Apex secured further funding from the Big Lottery to expand the existing service. U-Turn supports clients to develop themselves by learning new skills, building confidence and self-esteem and obtaining qualifications which will enable these individuals to secure future employment, training and volunteering opportunities.
In Dumfries this year, those involved with the U-Turn service have been extremely productive, completing five new fishing shelters and installing access steps along the riverbanks of the Annan and Kinnel. The high quality of their work was commented on by the Director of Annan Fisheries Board, Area Manager of Scottish Natural Heritage, and Scottish Government Representatives on a recent site visit.
Volunteers also begun work at the Wildlife Hospital, renovating a bat enclosure and aviary, as well as starting construction on a swan and duck enclosure.
The volunteers completed over 400 combined hours of volunteering and received their Saltire Volunteer Awards at the beginning of the year.