Staff and volunteers of Apex Highland have received the High Life Highland award for Exceptional Staff contribution for work completed at the Abriachan Forest. This was for Apex’s ongoing development of the Literacy Trail in partnership with Highland Adult Literacies and Abriachan Forest Trust. This multi-functional learning trail was opened in April 2013 and the project has involved both learners and staff over the last 2 years from development to design of the trail which has allowed the improvement of literacy/numeracy skills in an integrated way.
Mary Rhind from High Life Highland commented, “The commitment of the staff at Apex and at Abriachan has been key. As an additional bonus it has improved the mental and physical health of participants, improved their social interaction, allowed team working skills to be gained, raised awareness of conservation issues and offered John Muir accreditation. The contribution of this project to creating a facility at Abriachan that can be freely enjoyed by the public for recreation and education, contributes towards a positive company image for High Life Highland”.