Representatives from the Scottish Government joined the senior management teams of Apex Scotland and Dunfermline High to launch a very positive evaluation of the Dunfermline High School Inclusion Unit on 26 April 2012.
Apex Scotland has been working successfully in partnership with Dunfermline High School to provide an Inclusion Unit within the school since 2007. It is designed to reduce exclusion, raise aspiration, tackle ingrained behaviour and attitudes, increase attainment and attendance and contribute to young people progressing to a positive future. The evaluation records that the award winning Inclusion Unit has reduced exclusions from the school by 72% and considerably boosted the academic attainment of those pupils who would otherwise have left with nothing.
David Watt, HM Inspector, Education Scotland, Lead Inspector for Additional Support Needs who launched the Evaluation said “The Dunfermline High School Inclusion Unit shows the outstanding effect that the right intervention at the right time can have on the learning, attendance and social and emotional well-being of young people. This effective form of additional support works with the school to help the young people to be successful learners, effective contributors, responsible citizens and confident individuals. The Scottish Government’s Getting it right for every child approach is about ensuring that all children and young people reach their full potential and initiatives like this are contributing to achieving this objective.”
Apex Scotland’s Chief Executive Alan Staff said “This very positive Evaluation is a tribute to the hard work and commitment of the Inclusion Unit and Dunfermline High staff who have created a model of support that is valued by the pupils and is clearly having a significant impact on their behaviour and the choices they make. It is encouraging that the model is now being replicated in other schools across Fife.”
A copy of the Evaluation is available as an attachment below
A lighthearted video made by pupils from the Inclusion Unit is available by clicking here.
An article on the Inclusion Unit is available from BBC news by clicking Here.
For further information on the Inclusion Unit please contact us