Apex Scotland is a member of the Scottish Mentoring Network (SMN). SMN holds a number of thematic networking events throughout the year as well as providing accredited training in the field of Mentoring and the Quality Award which is a Scotland specific quality assurance tool. Every year SMN holds a well attended national event where delegates can attend to hear its distinctive key note speakers and attend a choice of morning and afternoon workshops and seminars. The day always closes with an awards ceremony to acknowledge individuals and projects of impact.
This year Apex Highland was invited to host a short workshop/seminar on Peer Mentoring which was fully attended.
We had also nominated the Highland team’s Peer Mentor, Grace Moir, on the grounds of her outstanding contribution to Apex and the incredibly difficult journey she is continually conquering whilst fulfilling her duties to others.
In order to make a nomination we had to also explain about our project in the process of the application.
On the day, after a successful workshop which Grace helped to facilitate, she was awarded a certificate by SMN for her outstanding contribution as a Mentor. As if this wasn’t exciting enough we then saw our name on the display in the next section of the award giving and realised Apex Highland was receiving the award for SMN Employment Project of the Year.
Maureen McGinn , Chairperson of the Big Lottery, presented our awards.