Our staff have created a short film to describe just a few of the things they have been doing to assist our service users over the past few weeks (click on this article to view).
Since the advent of the coronavirus outbreak, many organisations have had to readjust not only where they are operating from, but how they are working. As the third sector knows only too well, our service users do not suddenly find coping mechanisms during lockdown they didn’t have before; they don’t find solitary time surprisingly peaceful; they don’t lose the anxieties or concerns about their future just because everyone is staying at home. In fact, we have found that during this time of uncertainty, service users have needed the support of their Apex mentor more than ever; for some we are the only contact they may have in a day. Conversations with our service users have confirmed that we are playing a vital role in their wellbeing and mental health with our regular contact.
And so, whilst this period of strange abnormality continues, although ‘in person’ meetings are suspended, we continue to find new ways to work with our clients – providing reassurance, guidance and focus to those who are struggling. The lockdown has not dampened the enthusiasm or spirit of our colleagues and, even now, we are still getting people into work!