‘I hadn’t considered volunteering before but I really enjoyed my time with Apex. Knowing you are appreciated is a big part of it and it helped me gain some valuable work experience.’
A Positive Future
‘I hadn’t considered volunteering before but I really enjoyed my time with Apex. Knowing you are appreciated is a big part of it and it helped me gain some valuable work experience.’
‘I wanted to put my research skills to good use and was delighted that I was able to help pull together information that was needed for a funding application. I worked with some good people and enjoyed the experience.’
‘The stuff we do in the Inclusion unit, doesn’t just help us with life in school, it helps us when we’re out at night and at the weekend, with our friends and families, helping us to make better choices.’
‘We get the chance to talk about things that really affect us like drugs, alcohol, crime, prison, fighting, problems at home, etc.’
‘If we didn’t have an Inclusion unit in our school, we would have been excluded or expelled by now – every school should have one.’
‘Since being in the Inclusion unit, we’ve had opportunities to change our behaviour and then help younger ones by telling them what they’re doing is pointless and to not waste their chances in school.’
‘… If we are in the Inclusion unit, we get a chance to look at our behaviour, talk about our problems and still do school work so we’re not behind when we go back to class.’
‘Although the Inclusion unit is in the school and part of it, we feel like it’s a separate place as the minute you walk in the room, you just feel relaxed and safe.’
I can’t say enough good things about Apex, everyone was so genuine, and I wouldn’t be rebuilding my life without their support.
Because of my criminal record I thought I might never work again. Apex encouraged me to think differently and to look forward instead of back. Without their help, I’d still be at home feeling sorry for myself. Instead, I’m now working full time and feel a million times better about my life.
Apex Scotland
The Melting Pot
15 Calton Road
Tel: 0131 220 0130
Email: admin@apexscotland.org.uk
Tony, Apex service user
Tony, Apex service user
James, Apex service user
James, Apex service user
Gary, Apex client
Gary, Apex client
Apex service user
Apex service user
Apex service user
Apex service user