Apex Trust (England and Wales) | www.apextrust.com |
Community Justice Scotland | https://communityjustice.scot/ |
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) | www.cosla.gov.uk |
Disclosure Scotland | www.disclosurescotland.co.uk |
European Offender Employment Forum (EOEF) | www.eoef.org |
Families Outside | www.familiesoutside.org.uk |
Howard League Scotland | www.howardleaguescotland.org.uk |
Jobcentre Near Me | www.jobcentrenearme.com |
Jobcentre Plus | www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk |
Joined up for Jobs | www.joinedupforjobs.org.uk |
Police Scotland | www.scotland.police.uk |
Poppy Scotland | www.poppyscotland.org.uk |
Sacro | www.sacro.org.uk |
Scottish Care Services Forum | www.careservicesforum.com |
Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration | www.scra.gov.uk |
Scottish Consortium of Crime and Criminal Justice (SCCCJ) | www.scccj.org.uk |
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) | www.scvo.org.uk |
Scottish Government | www.gov.scot |
Scottish Prison Service (SPS) | www.sps.gov.uk |
Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum | www.scottishthroughcare.org.uk |
The Sentencing Commission for Scotland | www.scottishsentencingcommission.gov.uk |
Skills Development Scotland | www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk |
Third Force News | www.thirdforcenews.org.uk |
Wise Group | www.thewisegroup.co.uk |
We have a range of helpful factsheets and resources on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which presents the fundamental rights of all children and young people. Apex Scotland supports delivery of the UNCRC in all our youth provision.