National training
Apex provides a number of training opportunities which can be made available across Scotland.
School services
Apex works to support young people, who may be experiencing difficulty in and outwith the mainstream school setting, to achieve their potential.
Youth services
Apex works with young people to address their issues and help them to progress towards the bright future that they deserve.
Adult services
Apex provides a tailored service in order to help individuals progress, and to help them set and reach their goals.
Welcome to Apex Scotland
We are the specialist organisation which for over 35 years has contributed to a safer Scotland by working with people with criminal convictions or at risk of committing offences to give them the necessary skills to change their behaviour and lead fulfilling lives. Read more
Need To Know For The CEO
Our CEO, Hawys Kilday, recently took part in an interview for the Need To Know For The CEO podcast and the final result is not to be missed! In the podcast, Hawys covers a wide range of topics, from talking about the work of Apex Scotland to her career and the journey she took to…
A Creative Gift
We would like to say a huge thank you to Luke Gibney who gifted us one of his own original artworks to us in appreciation of the help he has received from Apex. Even with plenty of experience, Luke said he kept hitting brick walls when trying to achieve his CSCS card to allow him…