The young people from Apex Dumfries’ Employability Fund (E.F.) service recently entered and won a competition with Santander Bank. Personal Development Mentor, Louise Handley, and her young participants entered for a grant award of £5,000 so that the group could start up a small, non-profit removal and litter picking business. The project will be integrated with the E.F. service as part of work experience hours. Louise and her participants are very excited about the project and are starting to make their plans now. They collected their winnings from Santander, Dumfries branch on Monday 14th December 2015.
The Apex Dumfries E.F. service has seen another 3 participants successfully complete the Stage 2 course towards the end of 2015. All three have passed their entry level employability qualifications and have now successfully progressed to Stage 3 on the employability pipeline with local providers.